Care Team

Wedding Coordinator Lead

Ministry Description:

Be the contact point for a bride and groom that are planning their wedding ceremony at Grace Fridley.

Expectations: Go over the information with the bride and groom re: what is available for them to use for their wedding.  Go through the wedding packet information re: policies and procedures.  Help run the rehearsal and monitor the building the day of the wedding from when the building is opened till it is locked after the ceremony.

Time Commitment:

1-2 hours for the initial meeting.

     Respond to any emails or texts from bride.

     1-2 hours for the rehearsal.

     4-6 hours the day of the wedding.

Visitation Lead

Funeral Director

Ministry Description:


Time Commitment:

Funeral Coordinator (Reception)

Transportation Lead

Prayer Lead

Benevolence (financial needs)

Moving Assistance Lead

Meal Train Lead

Follow-up Lead (with those missing multiple Sundays)

  • Iron Sharpening Iron

    Tuesdays at 6:00 a.m. - Fellowship Hall

    Join with other men for Bible-based discussion and prayer.

  • Wednesday Evening Growth Group

    Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. - Room 301

    Join other men in studying various books of the Bible.

    Facilitated by David Wong

  • Band of Brothers

    1st and 3rd Saturday of each month at 8:00 a.m. - Fellowship Hall