Our Mission

Our goal is to develop followers of Jesus Christ who will demonstrate his character in their home, work, church, and community life.

To achieve this mission we provide several opportunities for adults to gather together as members of the Grace family.


  • Adult Communities

    Adult Communities (Sunday School)

    Sundays, 9:15 am-10:15 am

    Get plugged in to the church family by attending one of these classes. These communities are designed to foster friendship, fellowship, and learning. It is our desire to equip our people with a well-rounded knowledge of the faith.

  • Men's Ministry

    Men need each other. Proverbs 27:17 makes this clear, so the men's ministries at Grace strive to provide ways for men to connect meaningfully with each other.

    Join one of the men's Bible studies on Tuesday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and the 1st & 3rd Saturday mornings.

  • Women’s Ministries

    Sunday Mornings, Wednesday Evenings and Thursday Mornings.

  • Seniors

    Sunday Mornings and Wednesday Afternoons

Get Involved

Please connect with us, we would love to help you get connected with Christ centered community!