Hospitality Team - Celebration Dinner

Ministry Description:

Preparing and serving food for approx. 200 people one Wednesday/month (usually the last Wednesday), through the ministry year. Be part of the team that preps/cooks food, sets up, serves the food, or cleans up.

Volunteer Positions/Number of Volunteers Needed: Approx. 25 (table hosts not included)*

a. Coordinator (1) will coordinate all Celebration dinner volunteers for ministry year, ensure dinner set up and clean up is completed b. Cooks (1-2 or team) will shop, prep food, cook, carry hot pans to serving tables c. Gym Set Up (Avail athletic team, if available) will set up 25 tables with 8 chairs per table, 4 serving tables, 2 dessert/drink tables

d. Dinner Set up Team (2-3) will wash tables, fill and put out napkins, salt/pepper and plates. Prepare beverages, fill cups. Set up serving tables w/potholders, serving spoons, plasticware. Cut up, plate and label (if needed) desserts.

e. Host (1) as applicable, depending on need for assigned seating f. Table Hosts (25) as assigned by Pastor Jon*

g. Servers (4-6) Greet guests, place food on plates as guests come through the line and take food to the kitchen when serving time is ended. h. Gym Cleanup Crew (4-6) Wash and put away tables and chairs i. Kitchen Cleanup Crew (up to 8), wash/dry/put away dishes. Put leftovers in containers for families to take home.


Volunteers will participate in ministry for the ministry year (Sept-May). Volunteers can sign up for one (1) Wednesday or every Celebration Night (7). If unable to work a shift that you signed up for, contact the Celebration Night Coordinator as quickly as possible. Cooks needed to put food in oven, gym set up needs to be complete by 5:15 pm, set up team arrive at 5:15 pm, servers arrive at 5:45 pm, cleanup crew begin cleaning at 6:30pm

Time Commitment:

Last Wednesday of each month (Sept-Apr, except Dec). Celebration Nights are 6-8pm with dinner served 6-7pm.

Time commitment depends on position (between 1-20 hrs.):

Coordinator 1-2 hrs/month

Cooks ~up to 15 hours/meal

Planning 1-2 hrs

Shopping 2-4 hrs

Dinner Prep 4-6 hrs.

Cooking 1-2 hrs (4 hrs. prep, 1 hr. cooking)

Set up team - 1 hr.

Serving team - 1 hr.

Host/Tables Hosts 1 hr

Cleanup crew - 1 hr.